Round Table: Financing Critical Open Source Software

title: Round Table: Financing Critical Open Source Software

date: 2022-11-09 08:00:00


Recent events in the FLOSS economy have stresses the difficulties of some producers of key elements to be remunerated for their work and also the fragility of relaying on such types of projects to build complex offers.

This round table, will bring together both specialist of Open Source Software Financing as well as Open Source developers having faced the need to finance their software, discussing about existing and potential solutions to bring sustainability to FLOSS critical software.

timezone: Europe/Paris


notistSlug: round-table-financing-critical-open-source-software

notistID: bLWZqN

talkSlug: financing-critical-infrastructure

slug: 2022/osxp/financing-critical-infrastructure

year: 2022


event: Open Source Experience

address: Paris, France

lat: 48.856614

long: 2.352222

countryCode: FR


pdf: /placeholder-f2e041e161e7898c.png
